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Condensation on windows is a regular sight throughout the year. Condensation is the most common form of damp that properties can suffer from. Luckily, it’s also the easiest problem to fix. 

If you’re worried about condensation in your home, we’re here to explain its causes and how to prevent it. 

What Causes Condensation in your home?

Condensation forms when hot, moist air hits a colder surface like a windowpane or an external wall. Warm air naturally holds water droplets in the form of moisture, and when warm air cools down or collides with cold surfaces, the moisture condenses into water droplets, causing condensation.

You’ll typically see condensation on windows when the moisture content of the air is heavy. Condensation can also lead to black mould growth, particularly where air flow is stagnant.

Moisture is generated in the home due to the way we live. This can happen when you have a hot shower, put the kettle or dry washing on a radiator. 

Condensation is even more likely to form during the winter when there are more colder surfaces in your home. Lower temperatures mean the air can hold less moisture, and when you’re more likely to have the heating on high. 

Why Is It Important to Reduce Condensation in your home?

Small amounts of condensation in your home might seem harmless, but there are several important reasons to resolve the issue. It’s important to remember that condensation is a form of damp; it can still cause damage to your home and lead to health problems. 

For all of the reasons below, it’s important to reduce condensation in your home:

  • Leads to the growth of damp and mould patches in your home
  • Causes musty, odorous, lingering smells
  • Damages wallpaper, plastering, decor and furniture
  • Can create the conditions for wet and dry rot
  • May cause respiratory problems and other illnesses

How to Prevent Condensation in your home

Luckily, there are several key methods that can help to prevent condensation in your home.

Effectively, you either need to either increase ventilation or warm up the surfaces, remove opportunities for dew point to be reached on cold surfaces. For mild problems, it can even be as simple as opening the back door when you’re cooking, or switching on the extractor fan when you’re having a hot shower. 

Key prevention techniques include:

  • Improving ventilation throughout your home
  • Opening windows and doors
  • Making use of extractor fans
  • Installing dehumidifiers
  • Improving the insulation in your home
  • Running the heating at a minimum of 16 degrees during winter

How Can Atlantis Property Preservation Help Treat Condensation in your home?

Atlantis Property Preservation is here to help treat condensation problems in your home. If you’re concerned about the level of condensation appearing in your home, our specialist technicians can undertake a damp survey to uncover the cause of the problems. 

We’ll investigate the source of the condensation and check for signs of any other types of damp, such as rising or penetrating damp. We’ll then provide you with a detailed breakdown of the problem, and solutions to treat it. 

Our team may recommend a thorough ventilation plan for your home, which may include the installation of specialist ventilation systems that keep condensation to a minimum. 

Contact Atlantis Property Preservation for More Information about Condensation on Windows

Atlantis Property Preservation’s experienced team of specialists will reduce the risk of condensation in your home.

Contact our friendly staff today to find out how we can help you.